Specialist in Change Psychology

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"I asked the Health Coach for help with battling middle aged weight gain. Her personalized approach means her plans are customized to take into account peoples' individual strengths and weaknesses (physical and mental). For example, she knew I would never darken the door of a gym! Not only do I feel stronger - I feel happier and more energetic. And my back pain of 10 years is gone!"

A coach is what I wish I had years ago.  I've had my own challenges with food, auto-immune disease, weight, and body image.  Years of education, therapy, self-development work and having my own coach have prepared me to support you on your own journey to health at a sustainable pace that works for you.

Using my unique background as a physical therapist with a master's in the field of health psychology and a nutrition coaching certification, I'm ready to coach you to your health goals.

I see in my clients the same challenges I've seen and overcome in myself:

  • wanting so badly to do it all right but never feeling like it's good enough
  • seeming to work so hard but not seeing any progress
  • feeling like life just gets in the way
  • sabotaging and starting over tomorrow
  • being unhappy with the image in the mirror
  • frustration with health issues restricting food options

If these sentiments sounds familiar, you're not alone.  I'm the coach that has been there.  I know what it's like.

To turn things around, knowing what to do is only half the battle.  In fact, I say it's only a tiny piece!  Doing what needs to be done, and doing it consistently, is the tougher challenge.  Through establishing achievable goals, boosting confidence, and addressing mindset, all while applying evidence-based strategies, I'm excited to be the coach that will guide you on your path to becoming a healthier version of you.

Wishing you good health,

Tamara Williams
The Health Coach