Five reasons to love winter and five ways to do it

When winter arrives, many of us want to crawl under a blanket and basically hibernate until spring.  It’s cold, it’s dark and the warmth to the indoors just seems so much more appealing.

As tempting as it is to be like a bear and just snooze until spring, there are very good reasons to get outside and enjoy what winter has to offer.  Here are five reasons to start loving winter and kick that hibernation strategy to the curb:

Five reasons to love winter

1) Exposure to daylight is great for your sleep

Our bodies have a circadian rhythm and light in our eyes plays a major role in telling our bodies when to be awake and when it’s time to sleep.  If we’re indoors under artificial light all the time, that signaling isn’t as strong which means our sleep drive when it comes to bedtime isn’t as strong.  This can lead to difficultly falling and/or staying asleep.  For more on light and sleep, you may want to visit this post that I wrote earlier.

2) We get vitamin D when we’re outside

This vitamin plays all kinds of important roles in our body from bone health to immune function and exposure to light is a great way to get more of it.  Sure, we might be bundled up so there is a little less skin exposed than in the warmer months, but every little bit helps.

3) Nature plus physical activity is the perfect one-two combo to improve our mood

Research shows that exposure to nature, even if it’s just a few trees in your neighbourhood can have beneficial effects on our mood.  Equally the literature is just bursting with evidence of the natural anti-depressant effects of exercise.

4) Protect your mental energy and that of those around you

If you live in the northern climates, winter can last quite a while. If every time you have to go outside, you mentally groan about the cold and snow, what is that doing to your mood?  I have friends and family that have taken to hating winter like it’s an Olympic sport and they are determined to get a podium finish.  By resisting those things that we cannot change, we are wasting a lot of mental energy not to mention bringing down the people around us with our negative attitude.

5) Socialize safely

In this day of COVID, socializing outdoors is actually one of the safest ways for us to have some face-to-face time with those that we care about. While physical distancing is the name of the game during this pandemic, social distancing is not.  With mental health issues on the rise, safe ways to socialize are critical to our well-being.

So, maybe I’ve convinced you that hating winter is not the best tactic but maybe you still can’t imagine how you can practically make it happen.  It just so happen to have 5 ways to make the wintery outdoors more enjoyable for you!

Five way to love winter

1) Dress for it

There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad wardrobe selection. If you’re always cold, then put on more clothes!  I always say it’s easier to dress for winter than for summer.  In winter, you can just keep adding layers if you’re too cold.  In summer, you can only take so much off!

Seriously though, invest in some good insulating layers – wool, fleece, down, whatever it takes to keep you warm, and be sure you have something to break the wind.  Remember, it’s not just your core that needs the protection from the elements, your head, body, hands, legs, and feet all need it.  Don’t neglect any parts.  And make sure you have something to cover your face against the wind (and any viruses you might get exposed to!)

2) Change your attitude

As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”.  If you think you can’t possibly go out in the winter and enjoy yourself, well you’ve just created a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Try a new attitude on for size.  If “I love going outside in the winter” is a little beyond what you can possibly fathom, then how about “I’m working on enjoying the outdoors in winter”.  Find a thought that is just a little better than “I hate winter” and take it out for a spin each time you venture out.

3) Pair your outdoor adventures with some entertainment

You may know that I’m a big fan of podcasts and audiobooks. Maybe you enjoy music.  Whatever floats your boat, pair that with your wintery outdoor adventure.  Even on the coldest of days, I’ll put on a lot of layers if it means I get out of the house to relax and enjoy a good book for 30 minutes.  And hey, if audiobooks, podcasts, and books don’t do the trick for you, how about inviting a friend?  You can listen to them!  Just no complaining about the weather ;-).

4) Plan for the best part of the day

Often, I find people wake up in the morning, check the temperature, and let that early morning reading on their thermostat determine the likelihood of them ever going outside that day.  Keep in mind that what you read at 6 am is often the coldest temperature you’ll see in a 24-hour period.  It’s often warmer at midnight than at 6 am.  The temperatures vary wildly during the day with daytime highs that can be 20 degrees warmer in the afternoon than what you see in the morning.  So, don’t let that overnight cold discourage you.  If you have the flexibility in your day, plan a brief trip outside when the day is at its warmest – often mid to late afternoon. Or, if it’s a sunny day, head out when the sun is high in the sky and the shadows are a at minimum.  The big fiery ball in the sky can make a huge difference in how cold it really feels out there.

5) Try something new

Want to get outside but not sure what to do once you’re out the door?  So many options!  A nice walk is a great starting point but maybe you want to change it up a little, try X-country skiing, outdoor running, snowshoeing, fat biking, build a snowman, build a fort, shovel the walk or driveway (or do your neighbours – they’ll love you for it).  Clear the snow off of decks or balconies.  This will make them ready to use much earlier in the spring when the weather begins to warm up and you want a nice place to sit outside.

So, there you have it, 5 reasons to enjoy winter and 5 ways to do it.  Now you just need to get out there and get started!

Need some help figuring out how to stay active in the winter months (No, it doesn’t have to be outdoors!)?  Consider a health coach to help you design an active lifestyle to keep you moving all year round, even during the depths of winter.  Book a free consultation using the link here.